This is a final document and was approved on October 11, 2022. The Washington County Senior Softball League (WCSSL) convened for a scheduled monthly meeting on Tuesday, September 13, 2022 from 6:01 PM – 7:17 PM. The meeting was held at Wacohu Grange Hall, 16412 National Pike, Hagerstown, MD. The following Board members were in attendance: President-AJ Nicolosi, Treasurer-Tommy Hyme , Secretary/Webmaster-Mark Plumley, and League Manager-Bob Thomas. ( Vice President-Butch Hess was absent) 23 additional league members were in attendance this evening. The President, AJ commenced the meeting at 6:01 PM and had the Secretary read the minutes from our last meeting. The League Secretary, Plumley read the June meeting Minutes. A motion was made to accept the minutes and Seconded. The Minutes were accepted as written. AJ asked the remaining Board and Committee personnel to report. League Manager Bob Thomas proposed having a meeting with the Managers to discuss rules modifications and to clean up the existing rules. The Treasurer-Tommy provided a treasury report explaining that the league spent about the same amount that we brought in. The league has been operating around the same expenses for the past two season. Approximately $12,000 was taken in with our sponsors donations, player registrations, Stonebridge Pizza fundraiser of $232.22, and $12,000 was spent on uniforms, softballs, and league picnic. He did explain that our Bonanza did not provide a profit to the league due to rising prices of food and services. The WCSSL checking account has approximately $3000.00 and the league savings account has approximately $3500.00. President AJ went on to explain that Tommy and himself, have been working to obtain 501.C7 status for the league. He explained that this will provide 2 major benefits; when we solicit donations: the write off will be classified as "charitable" and considered a valid tax write off. The second benefit is that the WCSSL will be able to solicit funds from the State Games Commission in the form of grant money. He explained that to obtain this status, that the league will have to change our name or be required to provide 10 years of tax records. Changing our name is considered the better option, with Tri-State Senior Softball League (TSSSL) being considered. A league vote, possibly via Survey Monkey will be forthcoming. New Business - AJ explained that the City Parks was unhappy with the league not utilizing their fields after committing to them. It prevented them from allowing other leagues to use due to their obligation with the WCSSL. AJ advised that the Managers made this decision on their own and explained that committees do not have that authority, and the reason for having a Board. Also reemphasized, that the league voted to retain City Park fields. AJ asked if there was any other new business. - Webmaster/Plumley looked into a possible name change to our website domain and whether it would incur any additional expenses or create a problem. The website provider, VistaPrints states it will not, and that our price will remain the same. I was advised that our website appearance and usage will remain the same. We will likely change from to and it is all dependent on the league vote or decision. - It was mentioned, that we must retain County Halfway Parks fields since there is a high likelihood of losing the City Park fields. The league will contact, Dave Brooks. - Mr. Starlipper proposed a "Hat Committee". AJ explained why we ordered what we used this past season and it was based on rising uniform and hat pricing and that our league registration barely covers this expense. - Mr. Metz offered a suggestion to the new incoming Board to consider having individual committees that convene prior to the monthly meetings. These committees would be for a possible; Managers Committee, for new and previous managers, a Rules Committee, Fundraiser Committee. This was offered for a way to get more participation by league members. He also stressed that our new younger players, need to reach out and bring new players into our league for league sustainability and longevity. At this time, the league held the election of new officers for the upcoming two year period. Secretary/Webmaster - Mark Plumley was nominated and voted to retain his position. (He ran unopposed) Treasurer - Tommy Hyme was nominated and voted to retain his position. (He ran unopposed) Vice President - Mr. Bob Thomas and Mr. Donnie Helman were nominated. Mr. Helman was elected via a league vote. President - Mr. Dave Barnhart was nominated and voted as our league President. (He ran unopposed) The next scheduled meeting is proposed for October 11, 2022. The meeting adjourned at 7:17 PM.