This is a Final document approved at the scheduled meeting on (Wednesday), November 09, 2022. The Washington County Senior Softball League (WCSSL) convened for a scheduled monthly meeting on Tuesday, October 11, 2022 from 6:00 PM – 6:55 PM. The meeting was held at Wacohu Grange Hall, 16412 National Pike, Hagerstown, MD. The following Board members were in attendance: President-Dave Barnhart, Vice President-Donnie Helman, Treasurer-Tommy Hyme , Secretary/Webmaster-Mark Plumley, and League Manager-Bob Thomas. 10 additional league members were in attendance this evening. The President, Dave commenced the meeting at 6:00 PM and requested a motion to accept the September meeting minutes posted on our website. Minutes were approved with no changes. The Treasurer-Tommy provided a treasury report informing the members in attendence, that the league operated with a $2000.00 deficit during this past season. He explained that the main reason for the deficit was due to our Bonanza expenses exceeding ticket sales and tip jar receipts. The pre-negotiated dinner total exceeded the volume of sales and attendence at the event. He also pointed out that the increase in food and services fees consumed the majority of the ticket price. Tommy advised that the WCSSL checking account has approximately $3000.00, and the league savings account has approximately $3400.00 at this time. He explained that we do have enough in our accounts to pay for the league annual intiation fees to include; League Insurance, which is paid April 01, field usage fees of $750.00, new softballs, and the upcoming 501.C7 application fee between $300- $400.00. New Business President-Dave, explained that the Executive Board convened prior to the meeting to discuss priority issues for the upcoming 2023 season. - Regular season schedule was being proposed for 04/03/2023 through 08/25/2023. Paperwork has been submitted to also utilize Wednesday evenings at Marty Snook Park as a fourth field option. This additional evening, can be utilized for team batting practice, and/or makeup games. - Schedule can include a possible Mid-Year Tournament. - End of season Championship. - Retention/Recruitment, promote and encourage current players to spread the word, network, and make a more serious effort to bring new players into our league for sustainability and longevity. Our goal is to recruit and possibly field 8 teams or up to 120 players. We have been averaging right around 105 players for the last 3 or 4 seasons. - We continue to work to obtain C501.C7 status. This will require a league name change with a few options being considered; Tri-State Senior Softball, Quad-State Senior Softball, Hagerstown Senior Softball. A C7 status is more advantagious to the league and requires less paperwork processing. (Tommy has submitted these possible name changes and they are all acceptable, an application process will be initiated at this time). - Implementation of a Competition/Rules committee to oversee, reduce, and minimize rule disparities, establish make-up game procedures, etc. Open discussions were had to include: - Recruitment - Raising money for the league - Uniform prices - Advertising - Increasing sponsor opportunities and benefits - Identifying teams by non-sponsor names to allow for more sponsor advertising on our uniforms. - Placement of a permanent league banner on the Halfway Fields outfield fencing. - Additional registration methods to include Paypal on the league website and utilization of the Sports Engine website to simplify and eliminate the manual check processing required by the league treasurer. The next scheduled meeting is proposed for (Wednesday) November 09, 2022. The meeting adjourned at 6:55 PM.